Why call a maternity specialist?

faire appel maternologue paris

Although having a child is a dream for many people, the arrival of a baby can create disorders in the mother or even tensions within the couple. This results from the fact that she wasn’t prepared enough for what’s in store for her once the baby comes. Hence the need to use the services of a maternity specialist like Martine Valton Jouffroy. What is a Maternity specialist? What does she do? Why consult one? Explanations.

Maternology, what exactly is it?

While the concept of maternal instinct is widely known, few people are aware that 10-15% of the women who have given birth suffer from maternity-related disorders, ranging from baby blues to the point of depression (so-called postpartum depression). Post-partum depression partum is a type of psychological disorder that affects young mothers from 1 month to 3 years of age. after giving birth. The baby blues, which is more common, occurs between 3 and 12 days of age. after birth. Maternology is a medical and therapeutic approach that aims to to help a woman fully assume her role as a mother. This should help her to in the face of the difficulties associated with the arrival of a child.

What a maternity specialist does

The maternity specialist treats the various disorders related to motherhood::
● attachment disorder
● maternal difficulty disorder
● dysnatality…
She manages these disorders by using different techniques such as: psychomotricity or working on communication. Depending on the case, a maternity specialist will carry out one or more of the following several therapies.

The benefits of maternology

Consultation with a maternity specialist is recommended whether it is before conceiving a child, or during pregnancy.

Prenatal support

Prior to conception, some women/couples question the desire to have a child, and On its relevance. These questions arise, for example, after a miscarriage or a sudden infant death in the past. The use of a maternity specialist allows you to reassure people about their decision and prepare for the challenges of parenthood. Consult a in Paris is even more useful before a procreation procedure. or P.M.A. (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, donation of of egg cells …) to study the psychological determinants of the desire to procreate.

Perinatal assistance

For a pregnant woman, it is normal to worry and wonder about the lifestyle to adopt in the face of potential complications, gynaecological examinations at
repetition, physical abnormalities. Hence the need for therapy. Accompaniment by a mental health professional can help an expectant mother to overcoming the fears, anxieties, sadness and difficulties associated with the arrival of an as a child.
For a couple, pregnancy or the birth of a child can lead to an imbalance that will disrupt the relationship to the point of separation. The intervention of a third party and objective will allow both parents to come to terms with their new life and solve their problem. Looking for that kind of help Paris? As a Gestalt Therapist, Martine Valton Jouffroy will meet your needs.

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